General orthopedics: amputation, antibiotics, surgical approaches, arthrodeses and arthroplasty, biomaterials, bone grafts, osteotomy and tendon transfer Orthopedic by anatomical location
2017/11/17 Maheshwari Orthopaedic Hospital Panchmukhi Shopping Center, Near Amber Cinema, Jamnagar - 361008. Gujarat (India). Tel : +91 288 2556655, 2541002, 2558169 Res : +91 288 2556565, 2677565 Fax : +91 288 2558169 J. Maheshwari Mehta Publishers, 2005 - Orthopedics - 330 pages 0 Reviews What people are saying - Write a review We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Bibliographic information Title Essential Orthopaedics Author Lecture Notes Orthopaedics and Fractures T Duckworth BSc (Hons), MBChB (Hons), FRCS (Eng) Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics University of Sheffi eld C M Blundell MB, ChB, BMedSci (Hons), FRCS (Eng), MD, FRCS (Tr 2019/11/08
2017/11/17 Maheshwari Orthopaedic Hospital Panchmukhi Shopping Center, Near Amber Cinema, Jamnagar - 361008. Gujarat (India). Tel : +91 288 2556655, 2541002, 2558169 Res : +91 288 2556565, 2677565 Fax : +91 288 2558169 J. Maheshwari Mehta Publishers, 2005 - Orthopedics - 330 pages 0 Reviews What people are saying - Write a review We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Bibliographic information Title Essential Orthopaedics Author Lecture Notes Orthopaedics and Fractures T Duckworth BSc (Hons), MBChB (Hons), FRCS (Eng) Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics University of Sheffi eld C M Blundell MB, ChB, BMedSci (Hons), FRCS (Eng), MD, FRCS (Tr 2019/11/08 Profile of Dr. Mahesh Maheshwari, Orthopedic Surgeon in Mumbai: Get complete information about Dr. Mahesh Maheshwari MBBS, MS practicing at PKC Hospital & Medical Research Center, his specialities, expertise with complete
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